Monday, February 1, 2010

Give way to transit buses - they make driving easier.

Copyright 2010 Conan L. Hom

I drive a car and take the bus.  As a driver, I make a special effort to give transit buses the right of way but there are many other drivers who cut them off and don't allow them to merge into traffic.  It's a rare instance when I say that people should follow my example and in this instance there are a few compelling reasons.  

If you are socially conscious:  When you cut off the bus, you save yourself 2-3 seconds but you delay every single passenger on board by 2-3 seconds. If there are 20 people on board, you've saved yourself 2 to 3 seconds but have caused a combined  total of 80 to 120 seconds of delay to the passengers.

If you aren't socially conscious:   By giving way to a bus, you make its trip quicker, smoother and more reliable.  That makes it more attractive to potential users.  Each person choosing to take the bus instead of driving (I acknowledge that some could bike or walk instead) means one less car on the road.  For you as a driver that means less congestion.  This is especially important during peak travel times when the number of cars on the road is above the "free flow" capacity of the road, and each additional car adds increasingly more and more delay to the system (until gridlock occurs).

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