Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Customer Experience.

If you are from Massachusetts, you might find the shopping experience different in Melbourne.  You might find that there are many items where the price isn't labeled, or that are seemingly always on sale or on special, (then what is its normal price?).  I have more than once encountered where an item where there are two different prices listed listed on the display.  I won't argue what practices are unfair, deceptive or misleading but I'll offer an opinion on the last instance.

I kindly pointed out to the shopkeepers that they had two different prices prominently listed on display.  The price tags on the individual items were at the lower price too.  At which point one of shopkeepers took the item, scanned the bar code, and said it was the higher price.  I offer that the difference is that in the U.S. (or in particular, Massachusetts stores), the shopkeeper might have said something like "Thanks for pointing that out to us, though it's really at the higher price, to show our appreciation we'll sell it to you at the lower price."

The advice I offer is to be prepared to be more demanding  and assertive to merchants.

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