Sunday, September 2, 2012

When coming to Australia, international travellers should always have a pack of tissues or a few pieces of paper towels on them.  In many airport restrooms (and many public ones too), there are no paper towels.  This is probably done in an effort to be green.  However, hand dryer blowers can only do so much.  For instance, they can't be used to wipe your face or towel off your neck and head after a long plane ride (remember sweating on the uncooled plane while boarding).  The hand blower dryer can't help clean up a bloody nose caused by dry sinuses or wipe up liquid soap that has accidentally spilled over the side of your travel bottle.  I suppose one could duck quickly into a toilet stall and grab some toilet paper but who wants to rush into a smelly stall right after someone has done the no. 2 (is that roll of toilet paper really clean too?).


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